Sociable weaver birds often have large nests around campsites, and are friendly little birds, a bit like our sparrows. They turned out to be good friends as well as good photo subjects! We'd been camping in the same spot for a couple of days and the birds often came to clear up our crumbs, but one day they started to mass beside a log and make a terrible racket. Looking more closely we saw there was a horned viper very well camouflaged under it. We'd collected kindling from that area so we were glad our little friends had given us the warning. The snake soon got fed up with the noise and moved on, and we were a little more careful picking up wood from then on.
nature and wildlife photography
In Queen Elizabeth National park in Uganda we saw a strange sight of a hippo turning round and round and resting on its back, big pink tummy exposed. We thought it might be ill but it soon became apparent what was happening when a large foot appeared beneath the tail. It took a lot more rolling around before a perfect little (well I say little ...) mini version of mummy hippo emerged. A lovely sight to witness.
(Canon EOS 450D 300mm lens)